• Question: If you were able to invent anything you wanted with all the money and facilities provided, what would the purpose of it be?

    Asked by caitx to Fiona, Jane, Joanna, Michelle, William on 16 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Michelle Murphy

      Michelle Murphy answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      Instant transport to anywhere I wanted to go (not time travel thought thats a bit creapy) waiting for trains and busses is dull

    • Photo: Jane Henry

      Jane Henry answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      I think I’d invent something that minimised suffering mental and physical.

    • Photo: Joanna Brooks

      Joanna Brooks answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      OK if you mean that there is endless money and facilities I would invent a way to travel into the future by just thinking about it! The application to science would be immense. Imagine being stuck on a problem of how to cure cancer or repair the damaged brain – you could just fastforward 10 years into the future and find the solution. A bit weird I know…..

    • Photo: Fiona Randall

      Fiona Randall answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      If I was bring selfish I’d make a magic carpet, so I could pop home and see my family and my horse in the UK whenever I really missed them.
      If I could invent something that helped others I try and make a special machine that could turn faulty brain cells back to their original form, so delete the changes that happen in the brain in disease by restoring the brain cells.
