• Question: how much brain mass can you lose before you die xx come to john hampden

    Asked by pr0g4m3r to Joanna on 23 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Joanna Brooks

      Joanna Brooks answered on 23 Jun 2010:

      Hello! I would love to come to your school to do a psychology / brain workshop and if I win I’m a Scientist then I will do this for sure! Even if I don’t win maybe this will still be possible – let’s wait and see what happens on Friday.

      It is possible for a person to lose brain mass if they have a traumatic injury and literally knock out part of the brain or if the blood supply is cut off to part of the brain (by a stroke for example). It’s difficult to tell how much brain mass a person would have to lose before they died – it is possible to live with quite serious brain damage but you would lose a lot of function like language or movement for example. The most serious damage would be to the ‘brain stem’ because this plays an important role in breathing and heart function.

      BTW did you do the quiz to find out what sex your brain is?
