• Question: Does anyone know what the brain would taste like? I reckon it would be quite mushy and fishy. Your thoughts?

    Asked by thebeast to Fiona, Jane, Joanna, Michelle, William on 18 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: William Davies

      William Davies answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      Brains are a delicacy in some countries, especially pig and sheep brains. Also, in some cultures cannibalism is still practiced, so people eat each others brains. In Papua New Guinea, there was a tribe that used to eat each others brains, and apparently that’s how a weird brain disorder called kuru (a bit like Alzheimer’s Disease) got transmitted. The brain is mostly fat, so I’d expect it might taste a bit like eating soft salty butter – delicious!

    • Photo: Michelle Murphy

      Michelle Murphy answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      The Fore tribe in New Guinea that ate brains (as part of funerals) they ended up getting a nasty prion disease like CJD (mad cow) so Im not sure i would like to try it.

    • Photo: Joanna Brooks

      Joanna Brooks answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      Wow, interesting! Hmmmm, never tasted brain but yeah I agree mushy and fishy with a few chewy bits 🙂

    • Photo: Fiona Randall

      Fiona Randall answered on 18 Jun 2010:

      I don’t know but I don’t want to try it… in Switzerland they serve brains of animals and call it fromage a tete or something and that means head cheese!!!

    • Photo: Jane Henry

      Jane Henry answered on 18 Jun 2010:

      Very like animal brains which some people eat.
